Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Small pit


  • Context: WIT_6422
    • file_image
    • Cut of pit
    • Nat Jackson
    • 28-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_6423
    • file_image
    • Fill of pit [6422]
    • Nat Jackson
    • 28-1-2020


    • A small pit adjacent to and cut by F#687. This was sub- circular, had moderate sides and a concave base, the cut was heavily obscured by animal burrowing and thus was only seen fully in the section. It was 1.34 meters long, 0.55m wide and 0.28m deep. It contained a single fill.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 7-4-2020

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
