Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Iron Age storage pit in the centre of the trench


  • Context: WIT_5035
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    • Cut of pit truncated by Roman ditch [5018] towards the centre of a large ring ditch/enclosure ditch
    • Nat Jackson
    • 6-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5036
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    • Fill of pit [5035] truncated by ditch [5018] towards the centre of a large ring ditch/enclosure ditch
    • Nat Jackson
    • 6-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5168
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    • Possible redeposited natural fill of pit 5035
    • David Wallace
    • 22-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5169
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    • Soft dark and organic fill of pit 5035
    • David Wallace
    • 22-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5170
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    • Soft band of dark and organic fill of pit 5035
    • David Wallace
    • 22-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5171
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    • Upper fill in pit F#534
    • David Wallace
    • 22-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5173
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    • 2nd fill of Iron Age pit 5035
    • David Wallace
    • 25-11-2019


    • A very large Iron Age pit in the centre of trench 5. This pit was by far the largest in the trench and was located just off centre and to the east in the middle of the ring ditch F#512, there is nothing however to indicate that they are related. The pit was truncated by a later roman ditch F#511. It was 2.75m long, 2.35m wide and 1.61m deep. The cut [5035] was very steep with some undercutting and had a flat base. The pit contained six fills. The basal fill was a very soft dark blackish brown silty clay with burnt material in, a sample was taken from this fill <16>. The next deposit (5170) was another organic-y layer, a very soft dark blackish brown silty clay, it still had burnt material in but less of it. (5036) and (5170) possibly represent a build up of hearth sweepings, or a large fire. Capping these fills was a large silted deposit (5169), 0.62m thick, it was a very soft dark greyish brown silty clay. A sample <15> was taken from the deposit. Within the fill there was a cow skull and another animal skull found next to each other. A possible quern stone was also discovered. Two lenses of redeposited natural and a charcoal lens were present in the fill. The next fill possibly represents some intentional backfilling, as it looks like a dump of material on top of (5169). This fill (5168) was a firm light greyish brown silty clay. This is then covered with (5173), a soft mid greyish brown silty clay, this probably represents the final backfilling of the pit. The final fill in the pit (5171) is very similar to the fill (5034) of the cutting ditch F#511. This may be because when the ditch was dug there was some mixing of contexts. It was a soft mid greyish brown silty clay, and had some residual roman pot in.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 2-4-2020

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
