Basic Information
- Iron Age storage pit in the north east of tr.5
- An Iron Age pit in the north west of trench 5, this pit was part of a cluster in that area. It cut a small pit F#531. It had a length of 1.81 meters, a width of 1.80 meters and a depth of 0.85 meters. The pit contained four fills. The first (5132 )was a small deposit at the base and to the east of the pit, it was a compact light grey silty clay with frequent chalk inclusions, it was probably a slumping event. The primary fill (5131) was a soft dark brownish grey silty clay, the secondary fill (5133) was a soft light greyish brown silty clay with small stone inclusions and the tertiary fill (5060) was soft mid brownish grey silty clay. The cut was sub circular with a steep near vertical south eastern side and moderate sloping north western side with a flat base.
- Nat Jackson
- 2-4-2020
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations