Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Gully running roughly N-S


  • Context: WIT_2546
    • Gully running roughly N-S into LOE
    • Indie Jago
    • 10-2-2021
  • Context: WIT_2547
    • Fill of gully running roughly E-W into LOE
    • Indie Jago
    • 10-2-2021


    • A very short length of gully located in the central area of trench 2. It ran from the baulk to the south for 2.68m, it was 0.36m wide and 0.08m deep. It is potentially part of the ring ditch for a round house, or it is a drainage gully.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 25-2-2021

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
