Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Iron Age Ring Gully


  • Context: WIT_3039
    • Cut of ring gully (terminus slot)
    • Ben Swain
    • 29-1-2021
  • Context: WIT_3040
    • Fill of ring gully (terminus slot)
    • Ben Swain
    • 29-1-2021
  • Context: WIT_3048
    • Cut of ring gully (corn dryer slot)
    • Ben Swain
    • 1-2-2021
  • Context: WIT_3049
    • Fill of ring gully (corn dryer slot)
    • Ben Swain
    • 1-2-2021


    • An Iron Age ring gully, probably for a round house, located next to corn dryer F300 in trench 3. Only a short length, 9.22m, of the gully was seen, it had a maximum width of 0.40m and was 0.08m deep. It was cut by ditch terminus F308 and small pit F306.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 25-2-2021

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
