Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Pit (poss second corn dryer)


  • Context: WIT_3015
    • Cut of pit.
    • Henry Callender
    • 18-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3016
    • Top, rubble fill of pit [3015]
    • Henry Callender
    • 18-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3017
    • Basal fill of pit [3015]
    • Nat Jackson
    • 20-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3025
    • Cut of a post hole cut into base of gully in F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3026
    • Fill of a post hole [3025] cut into base of gully in F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3027
    • Cut of gully? associated with F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3028
    • Fill of gully ? [3027] associated with F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3029
    • Cut of stake hole associated with F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3030
    • Fill of stake hole [3029] associated with F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3031
    • Cut of stake hole associated with F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3032
    • Fill of stake hole [3031] associated with F#301
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3033
    • Cut of wall? in possible corn dryer F#301 - NOT EXCAVATED
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3034
    • Possible wall of possible corn dryer F#301 - NOT EXCAVATED
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_3035
    • Clay lining and burning layer in possible corn dryer F#301 - NOT EXCAVATED
    • Nat Jackson
    • 26-3-2020


    • A possible corn drier or another type of agricultural structure located in trench 3 just to the south of F300. Only a very small amount of this feature was visible so it is hard to ascertain exactly what it is. Of what was visible it was 2.64m long, 2.48m wide and at least 0.20m deep.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 26-2-2021

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
