Basic Information
- Corn dryer
Context: WIT_3002
Context: WIT_3003
Context: WIT_3004
- Cut of rectangular gully or pit
- Henry Callender
- 13-3-2020
Context: WIT_3005
- Fill of rectangular gully [3004].
- Henry Callender
- 13-3-2020
Context: WIT_3006
Context: WIT_3007
- Cut of posthole, beneath (3005).
- David Wallace
- 13-3-2020
Context: WIT_3008
- Fill of posthole [3007].
- Henry Callender
- 13-3-2020
Context: WIT_3009
- Cut of wall slot.
- Henry Callender
- 16-3-2020
Context: WIT_3010
Context: WIT_3011
- Rubble layer inside wall [3010].
- Henry Callender
- 16-3-2020
Context: WIT_3012
Context: WIT_3013
- Burnt bright orange clay lining? lense deposit seen in plan on possible stoking pit of corn dryer F#300
- Henry Callender
- 18-3-2020
Context: WIT_3014
- Rubble fill to the north of wall [3010] in corn dryer F#300
- Henry Callender
- 18-3-2020
- A likely late Roman corn drying oven located in trench 3. The main structure of the corn drier was constructed out of stone and tile. Only half of the drier was seen in the trench, it looked like there were two flues either side of a stoking pit. It extended for 4m from the limit of the trench, was 3.65m wide and 0.72m deep. To the south of this corn drier is another potential drier F301.
- Nat Jackson
- 26-2-2021
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations
- [not set]
- [not set]