Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Ring ditch at W end of trench 2. Possible barrow.


  • Context: WIT_2207
    • file_image
    • Cut of ring ditch, F266
    • Indie Jago
    • 17-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2208
    • file_image
    • Redep at base of possible barrow ring ditch [2207], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2403
    • file_image
    • Upper fill of Roman pit [2267], F268
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2404
    • file_image
    • Cut of probable ring ditch/possible barrow, F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2405
    • file_image
    • Redeposited fill of probable ring ditch/possible barrow [2404], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2406
    • file_image
    • Recut of probable ring ditch/possible barrow, F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2407
    • file_image
    • Fill of Recut of probable ring ditch/possible barrow [2406], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2408
    • file_image
    • Cut of Roman pit F286, cut into possible barrow ditch F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2410
    • Secondary fill of possible barrow ring ditch [2207], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2411
    • file_image
    • Recut of possible barrow ring ditch F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2412
    • file_image
    • Fill of Recut of possible barrow ring ditch [2411], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2413
    • file_image
    • Cut of potential barrow ditch F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2414
    • file_image
    • Basal fill of potential barrow ditch [2413], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2415
    • file_image
    • Secondary fill of potential barrow ditch [2413], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2416
    • file_image
    • Recut of potential barrow ditch, F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2417
    • file_image
    • Fill of Recut of potential barrow ditch [2416], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2421
    • file_image
    • Cut of potential barrow ditch F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2422
    • file_image
    • Basal fill of potential barrow ditch [2421], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2423
    • file_image
    • Secondary fill of potential barrow ditch [2421], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2424
    • file_image
    • Recut of potential barrow ditch, F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2425
    • file_image
    • Fill of Recut of potential barrow ditch [2424], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2427
    • file_image
    • Cut of potential barrow ditch terminus, F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2428
    • file_image
    • Basal fill of potential barrow ditch terminus [2427], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2429
    • Secondary fill of potential barrow ditch terminus [2427], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2430
    • Recut of potential barrow ditch terminus, F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2431
    • Fill of Recut of potential barrow ditch terminus [2431], F266
    • Ben Swain
    • 24-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2440
    • Cut of ring ditch, possible barrow F266.
    • Indie Jago
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2441
    • Cut of possible barrow recut, F266
    • Indie Jago
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2442
    • Fill of possible barrow re cut [2441], F266. See duplicate (2530).
    • Indie Jago
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2443
    • Fill of possible barrow [2440], F266. See duplicate (2529).
    • Indie Jago
    • 26-3-2020
  • Context: WIT_2529
    • fill of ring ditch [2440]
    • Indie Jago
    • 9-2-2021
  • Context: WIT_2530
    • fill of ring ditch recut [2441]
    • Indie Jago
    • 9-2-2021


    • A large ring ditch seen in the south west of trench 2. It had a diameter of 13.00m. It had a maximum width of 1.34m and a minimum width of 0.52m. It had a maximum depth of 0.88m and minimum depth of 0.20m. It had a recut that may have occurred much later than when the ditch was initially dug.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 26-2-2021

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
