Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Circular pit along east edge of trench


  • Context: WIT_1127
    • file_image
    • Pit
    • Josh Hogue
    • 26-10-2018
  • Context: WIT_1128
    • file_image
    • Fill of pit [1127]
    • Josh Hogue
    • 26-10-2018


    • Circular pit in along eastern edge of trench measuring 1.40m long, 1.19m wide, 0.26m deep. Northern edge of pit F148 cuts pit F149, while south portion of F148 is cut by pit F147.
      • Maggie Eno
    • 12-12-2018

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations