Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Posthole at north edge of trench


  • Context: WIT_1070
    • file_image
    • Cut of post hole on north edge in eastern half of trench
    • Indie Jago
    • 19-10-2018
  • Context: WIT_1071
    • file_image
    • Fill of post hole [1070] on north edge in eastern half of trench
    • Indie Jago
    • 19-10-2018


    • Circular post hole in northeast area of trench within beam slot F131, measuring 0.11m long, 0.09m wide and 0.19m deep. Situation of post hole within beam slot F131 suggests possible structure.
      • Indie Jago
      • Maggie Eno
    • 22-10-2018

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
