Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Modern post-hole at northwest of excavation


  • Context: WIT_1038
    • file_image
    • Post-hole at northwest of excavation
    • Josh Hogue
    • 17-10-2018
  • Context: WIT_1039
    • file_image
    • Fill of post-hole at northwest of excavation
    • Josh Hogue
    • 17-10-2018


    • Modern post-hole in north west area of trench measuring 0.26m long, 0.26m wide and 0.08m deep. Post-hole likely related to farming activities, fencing, or penning prior to modern construction on site. F115 likely related to F116 and F117 due to their similar shape, size and fill.
      • Josh Hogue
      • Maggie Eno
    • 22-10-2018

Dating Narrative

    • Modern or post-medieval
      • Josh Hogue
    • 17-10-2018
