- Plan of Roman ditch termius [2583], Roman ditch [2585] and gully [2587]. 1:20. Sheet 61
- David Wallace 11-2-2021
Context: WIT_2583
- Terminus of Roman ditch running N-S
- David Wallace
- 11-2-2021
Context: WIT_2584
- Terminus of Roman ditch fill running N-S
- David Wallace
- 11-2-2021
Context: WIT_2585
- Roman ditch running W-E truncated by Roman ditch terminus
- David Wallace
- 11-2-2021
Context: WIT_2586
- Roman ditch fill running W-E truncated by Roman ditch terminus
- David Wallace
- 11-2-2021
Context: WIT_2587
- Gully truncated by Roman ditch terminus
- David Wallace
- 11-2-2021
Context: WIT_2588
- Gully fill truncated by Roman ditch terminus
- David Wallace
- 11-2-2021