- Plan of ring ditch [9107] F924 in building area and post holes [9109] F993 and [9111] F994, 1:20. Sheet 59
- Nat Jackson 4-2-2021
Context: WIT_9107
- Cut of ring ditch to the east of building
- Nat Jackson
- 27-1-2021
Context: WIT_9108
- Fill of ring ditch [9107] to the east of building
- Nat Jackson
- 27-1-2021
Context: WIT_9109
- Cut of post hole by ring ditch [9107] to the east of building next to northern baulk
- Nat Jackson
- 27-1-2021
Context: WIT_9110
- Fill of post hole [9109] by ring ditch [9107] to the east of building next to northern baulk
- Nat Jackson
- 27-1-2021
Context: WIT_9111
- Cut of post hole cutting ring ditch F924
- Nat Jackson
- 27-1-2021
Context: WIT_9112
- Fill of post hole [9111] cutting ring ditch F924
- Nat Jackson
- 27-1-2021