- Plan of Roman building (Tr 9). 1:50. Sheet 57 and 58
- Nat Jackson 15-1-2021
Context: WIT_9001
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9002
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9003
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9004
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9005
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9006
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9007
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9008
- Finds rich deposit inside the western end of building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9009
- Dark grey brown silty clay layer in antechamber at extreme west of building
- Nat Jackson
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9010
Context: WIT_9011
- Greenish yellow layer within 1m building slot. Possible natural
- Ben Swain
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9014
Context: WIT_9015
- Fill of potential post hole within 1m building slot. North end of slot extending into slot west section.
- Ben Swain
- 19-12-2019
Context: WIT_9016
- deposit layer above natural in building slot.
- Ben Swain
- 27-12-2019
Context: WIT_9017
- deposit layer below overburden in building slot.
- Ben Swain
- 27-12-2019
Context: WIT_9018
Context: WIT_9020
Context: WIT_9021
Context: WIT_9022
Context: WIT_9023
Context: WIT_9024
Context: WIT_9025
Context: WIT_9026
Context: WIT_9027
- Cut of robber trench for roman building
- Nat Jackson
- 6-1-2021
Context: WIT_9028
- Fill of robber trench for roman building [9027]
- David Wallace
- 6-1-2021
Context: WIT_9029
- Cut of robbed out column base. W most exposed in the large roman building
- Indie Jago
- 6-1-2021
Context: WIT_9030
- Fill of robbed out column base. W most exposed in the large roman building
- Indie Jago
- 6-1-2021
Context: WIT_9031
- Robber cut of robbed out column base
- Ben Swain
- 6-1-2021
Context: WIT_9032
- Robber fill of robbed out column base
- Ben Swain
- 6-1-2021
Context: WIT_9033
- Cut of robbed out wall F906 within slot including column base F975.
- Indie Jago
- 7-1-2021
Context: WIT_9034
- Fill of robbed out wall F906 within slot including column base F975.
- Indie Jago
- 7-1-2021
Context: WIT_9035
- Cut of robbed out wall of Roman building F906 within slot including column base F973
- Ben Swain
- 7-1-2021
Context: WIT_9036
- Fill of robbed out wall F906 within slot including column base F973
- Ben Swain
- 7-1-2021
Context: WIT_9037
- Cut of robbed out column base. F972.
- Indie Jago
- 7-1-2021
Context: WIT_9038
- Fill of robbed out column base. F972.
- Indie Jago
- 7-1-2021
Context: WIT_9039
- Cut of robber trench for robbed out villa wall
- Nat Jackson
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9040
- Fill of robber trench for robbed out villa wall [9039]
- Nat Jackson
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9041
- Cut of robbed out column base
- Nat Jackson
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9042
- Fill of robbed out column base [9041]
- Nat Jackson
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9043
- Cut of robbed out wall, within slot including column base F972.
- Indie Jago
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9044
- Fill of robber out wall, within slot including column base [9037].
- Indie Jago
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9045
- Cut of robbed out column base
- David Wallace
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9046
- Fill of robbed out column base
- David Wallace
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9047
- Cut of robbed out wall
- Nat Jackson
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9048
- Fill of robbed out wall [9047]
- Nat Jackson
- 8-1-2021
Context: WIT_9049
- Fill of robbed out wall
- David Wallace
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9050
- Cut of robbed out wall (9049)
- David Wallace
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9051
- Cut of possible post pit, cut by robbed out column base in slot 9004
- Ben Swain
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9052
- Dark primary Fill of pit cut by robbed out column base in slot 9004
- Ben Swain
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9053
- Cut of large pit to South of column base in slot 9004
- Ben Swain
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9054
- Slumping Fill of large pit to South of column base in slot 9004
- Ben Swain
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9055
- Fill of large pit to South of column base in slot 9004
- Ben Swain
- 11-1-2021
Context: WIT_9057
- Cut of linear cut by large pit 9053
- Ben Swain
- 12-1-2021
Context: WIT_9058
- Fill of linear cut by large pit 9053
- Ben Swain
- 12-1-2021
Context: WIT_9059
- Cut of pit cut by robbed wall 9035
- Ben Swain
- 12-1-2021
Context: WIT_9060
- Fill of pit cut by robbed wall 9035
- Ben Swain
- 12-1-2021
Context: WIT_9061
- Post packing fill of post pit 9051
- Ben Swain
- 12-1-2021
Context: WIT_9062
- Upper fill of possible post pit 9051
- Ben Swain
- 12-1-2021
Context: WIT_9063
- Cut of pit, cutting through layer accumulated across Roman villa (9006).
- Indie Jago
- 13-1-2021
Context: WIT_9064
- Fill of pit, cutting through layer accumulated across Roman villa (9006).
- Indie Jago
- 13-1-2021
Context: WIT_9065
- Cut of robber trench in wall F906
- Nat Jackson
- 13-1-2021
Context: WIT_9066
- Fill of robber trench in wall F906
- Nat Jackson
- 13-1-2021
Context: WIT_9067
- Cut of column base, furthest E
- Indie Jago
- 14-1-2021
Context: WIT_9068
- Fill of column base, furthest E
- Indie Jago
- 14-1-2021
Context: WIT_9069
- Cut of robbed out wall running N-S
- Indie Jago
- 14-1-2021
Context: WIT_9070
- Fill of robbed out wall running N-S
- Indie Jago
- 14-1-2021
Context: WIT_9071
- Cut of N-S robbed out wall of Roman building.
- Ben Swain
- 15-1-2021
Context: WIT_9072
- Fill of robbed out N-S wall of Roman building.
- Ben Swain
- 15-1-2021
Context: WIT_9073
- Cut of post hole
- Ben Swain
- 15-1-2021
Context: WIT_9074
- Fill of post hole
- Ben Swain
- 15-1-2021
Context: WIT_9076
- Cut of ditch F414 running east west across trench. Overlain by Roman building
- Ben Swain
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9077
- Cut of robbed out wall - corner slot of building
- Ben Swain
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9078
- Fill of robbed out wall - corner slot of building
- Ben Swain
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9080
- Cut of sub rectangular/ oblong pit truncated by robbed out column base
- David Wallace
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9081
- Fill of sub rectangular/ oblong pit [9080] truncated by robbed out column base
- David Wallace
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9082
- Cut of robbed out column base
- David Wallace
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9083
- Fill of robbed out column base [9082]
- David Wallace
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9084
- Robber cut of robbed out wall given to all segments between slots
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9085
- Fill of robber cut in wall north east of building, F906, north of slot [9069]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9086
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, south of slot [9069] and north of slot [9077]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9087
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9077] and [9027]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9088
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9027] and [9050]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9089
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9050] and [9043]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9090
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9043] and [9035]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9091
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9035] and [9047]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9092
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9047] and [9033]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9093
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9033] and [9065]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9094
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9065] and [9020]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021
Context: WIT_9095
- Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, between slots [9020] and [9039]
- Nat Jackson
- 18-1-2021