Short Description:
E-W aligned burial cut into ditch next to Roman building in trench 4
Issued to
Ben Swain | 13/12/2019

- Skeleton of probably young adult within grave cut containing Roman finds. Aligned East west along ditch near building.
- Ben Swain
- 16-12-2019
- Supine
- Resting on it's back, tilted slightly forward due to resting against grave cut.
- Extended down right side of body
- Lying over pelvis area
- Extended out in front of body.
- Extended out in front of body
- Feet not in situ
- Bone in Good condition and for the most part present and undisturbed apart from feet.
- Good condition.
Feature: WIT_450
- Burial (Sk.4547)
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_200743
- North Facing shot of burial. 1m scale.
Record Details
- Not set
- Ben Swain 13-12-2019
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