Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Pit cut by column base F971


  • Context: WIT_9080
    • Cut of sub rectangular/ oblong pit truncated by robbed out column base
    • David Wallace
    • 18-1-2021
  • Context: WIT_9081
    • Fill of sub rectangular/ oblong pit [9080] truncated by robbed out column base
    • David Wallace
    • 18-1-2021


    • A sub-oval pit truncated by robbed out column base F971. It was 2.85m long, 0.93m wide and 0.78m deep. This pit may have been a storage pit, another possibility was that this is a post pit, with some possible packing present.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 4-3-2021

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
