Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Iron Age storage pit


  • Context: WIT_5089
    • file_image
    • Cut of large pit truncated by ditch [5018]
    • Nat Jackson
    • 12-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5090
    • file_image
    • Fill of large pit [5089]
    • Nat Jackson
    • 12-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5164
    • file_image
    • Fill of pit 5089
    • Ben Swain
    • 21-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5165
    • file_image
    • Basal filll of pit 5089
    • Ben Swain
    • 21-11-2019


    • An Iron Age pit, probably a storage pit, it is cut by a Roman ditch F#515. The pit had a diameter of 1.68 meters and was 0.60 meters deep. It contained three fills. The basal fill (5165) was a very thin layer of charcoal rich soil, a sample <13> was taken from the deposit. The secondary fill was a moderately firm greenish brown silty clay, possibly intentional backfilling. The final fill (5090) was a moderately firm dark grey brown clayey silt. The cut [5089] was steep sided with a flat base, typical of the type of Iron Age storage pit found on site.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 1-4-2020

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
