Contexts at Earth Trust

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Short Description:
Pit cut by ditch F#515
Issued to
David Wallace | 02/12/2019


    • IA pit [5222] cut by Roman ditch [5224]
      • David Wallace
    • 3-1-2020

Sketch Photo

  • file_image
  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Sub-circular
  • Rounded
  • Length - 1.30 Width - 0.94 Depth - 0.65
  • Rounded and sharp
  • South facing section Cardinal points: E-W
  • Steep
  • Sharp
  • Flat
  • Truncated by ditch F#515
  • Pit had a shallow step then steep sides




  • Feature: WIT_540
    • IA pit cut by Roman ditch [5224]

Site Photos

  • Photo: WIT_200350
    • file_image
    • Pit [5222] cut by ditch f#515, shot facing south, 1m scale


  • Plan: WIT_13
    • Plan of north west area Tr5. Linear [5155] [5222] [5179] F515, pits [5095] F516, [5224], [5085] F524, [5083] F525, [5089], post holes [5160], [5162] F520, [5128] F522, [5161], curvilinears [5081] F521, [5093] [5226] F517 and feature [5097]. 1:20. Sheet 3.
    • Nat Jackson
    • 29-11-2019

Record Details

  • Not set
  • David Wallace 2-12-2019
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