Contexts at Earth Trust

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Short Description:
Fill of post hole [9109] by ring ditch [9107] to the east of building next to northern baulk
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 27/01/2021


    • Fill of a small post hole located in the ne corner of the roman villa truncated by an Iron Age ring ditch [9107]. The fill contained some evidence of burning with some reddish brown soil, it also contained a small iron object (likely a small nail) and some animal bone.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 31-1-2021

Sketch Photo

  • No Files Attached

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Soft
  • Dark grey brown
  • clayey silt
  • Occasional small stones, moderate charcoal/burnt wood flecks
  • Length - 0.25m Width - 0.25m Thickness - 0.04m
  • Hand ex / fair




  • Feature: WIT_993
    • Post hole in the eastern end of the building area seen once the silting layer had been removed, cut by ring ditch F924


  • Plan: WIT_321
    • Plan of ring ditch [9107] F924 in building area and post holes [9109] F993 and [9111] F994, 1:20. Sheet 59
    • Nat Jackson
    • 4-2-2021

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Nat Jackson 27-1-2021
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