Contexts at Earth Trust

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Short Description:
Primary fill of ditch 9076, F414, corner slot of building
Issued to
Ben Swain | 19/01/2021


    • primary/basal fill of roman ditch. Likely due to silting
      • Ben Swain
    • 19-1-2021

Sketch Photo

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Stratigraphic Matrix

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  • moderately compact
  • light grey brown
  • clayey silt
  • 15% inclusions of small to medium sized sub angular chalk pieces. 5% charcoal and chalk flecks.
  • Length - 1.11m Width - 1.55m Thickness - 0.55m
  • Hand Ex/damp




  • Feature: WIT_414
    • Boundary ditch

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Ben Swain 19-1-2021
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