Short Description:
Fill of robber cut in wall, east of building, F906, south of slot [9069] and north of slot [9077]
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 18/01/2021
- Fill of robber cut, given to separate finds spatially along the robbed out villa wall, this segment of wall runs north to south in the south west corner of the villa.
- Nat Jackson
- 21-1-2021
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderate compact friable
- Grey brown
- Silty clay
- Frequent large to medium chunks of limestone/chalk rubble
- Length - 2.20m Width - 0.80m Thickness - 0.30m
- Hand ex / very wet and windy
- No records attached.
Plan: WIT_311
- Plan of Roman building (Tr 9). 1:50. Sheet 57 and 58
- Nat Jackson
- 15-1-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Nat Jackson 18-1-2021
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