Short Description:
Fill of pit [6418].
Issued to
Henry Callender | 27/01/2020
- Fill of pit [6418], being truncated by gully [6416]. 8 small sherds of pot recovered from fill, likely Iron Age in date. A few bones also recovered from fill, unknown origin.
- Henry Callender
- 28-1-2020
- Moderately compact.
- Mid greyish brown.
- Silty clay.
- Mod. Small - med chalk lump, occ small sub rounded stones.
- Same as cut
- Same as cut.
- Hand sec against bulk, relationship slot with [6416]. Clarity of horizon - very clear.
Feature: WIT_688
- Deep pit [6418] with single fill (6419).
Record Details
- Not set
- Henry Callender 27-1-2020
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