Contexts at Earth Trust

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  • WIT
  • (6270)
  • Fill
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Short Description:
Top fill of pit [6258]. Disturbance from burrowing.
Issued to
Mai Walker | 20/01/2020


    • Top fill of large bell shaped pit [6257], seals previous layer (6269). Suggests final phase of pit - perhaps decommission of pit? May be intentional backfill from decommission of pit - due to the fill containing moderate amount of pottery and animal ribs. The fill may also be a result of intentional backfilling at later date when agricultural levelling of land was taking place. The fill is cut by the large ditch feature 515 / [6261], which has a similar fill colour (6262), suggesting the top fill of pit [6257] may be more likely a result of intentional backfill from agricultural levelling of area.
      • Mai Walker
    • 26-1-2020

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Firm
  • Mid - dark greyish brown
  • Silty clay
  • 5% sub rounded stone inclusions, small - med size.
  • Length - 1.66m Width - >1.63m Depth - 0.49m
  • Half sectioned, hand excavated, wet.


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Animal Bone
Animal Bone


  • Feature: WIT_560
    • Iron Age pit, cut by F#515


  • Sample: WIT_80
    • Mai Walker
    • 20-1-2020

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Mai Walker 20-1-2020
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