Short Description:
Bottom fill of pit [6263].
Issued to
Henry Callender | 20/01/2020
- Bottom fill of pit [6263]. Mostly redeposited natural likely from the sides falling in. Very clear between this fill and solid chalk natural at base.
- Henry Callender
- 24-2-2020
- Moderately compact, clay-like
- Light yellowish-brown
- Silty clay with chalk lumps
- Fre. Chalk lumps, occ small - medium stones.
- Depth - 0.12m
- Same as cut.
- Hand half sec. clarity of horizon : very clear.
Feature: WIT_640
- Pit [6263], with three fills, bottom fill (6264), middle fill (6265), and top fill (6266).
Record Details
- Not set
- Henry Callender 20-1-2020
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