Short Description:
Upper fill of Iron Age storage pit [6101]
Issued to
Indie Jago | 06/01/2020
- Mottled fill, at NE end the yellower/clayeyer fill forms a clear lamination above the natural slump (6131), 6102 seems to be successive slumping and silting events
- Indie Jago
- 6-1-2020
- Moderately firm
- Mottled mostly mid greyish brown clayey silt with lenses of mid yellowish brown silty clay
- Clayey silt/ Silty clay
- Common sub angular - sub rounded flint pebbles Common degraded pot fragments Occasional charcoal pieces
- Diameter - 1.62 Thickness - 0.40
- Fill of 6101
- Hand ex in fair conditions
Feature: WIT_601
- Iron Age storage pit
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 6-1-2020
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