Short Description:
Fill of inner ring gully [4734].
Issued to
Henry Callender | 14/02/2020
- Fill of ring gully [4734]. 1 small sherd of pot recovered from fill, likely iron-age in date. Fill is likely intentional backfill.
- Henry Callender
- 14-2-2020
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately compact.
- Mid grey brown
- Silty clay
- occasional charcoal flecks, small - medium sub-angular stones, and chalk lumps.
- Length - 1.00+ Width - 0.33 Thickness - 0.08
- Hand sec, 2m slot, relationship slot with [4736] and [4738]. Clarity of horizon: very clear.
Feature: WIT_852
- Part of a ring ditch
Record Details
- Not set
- Henry Callender 14-2-2020
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