Contexts at Earth Trust

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  • WIT
  • 4709
  • Skeleton
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Short Description:
SK4709, infant burial inside cut [4708].
Issued to
Henry Callender | 12/02/2020


    • Infant skeleton inside cut [4708]. Very little remaining of the skeleton. Missing jaw, spine, ribs, both arms, hands and most of feet. This could be due to in situ degeneration of a highly fragile infant skeleton.
      • Henry Callender
    • 13-2-2020

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Very little of skeleton left intact. Just the skull and leg bones remaining. These appear to be in a supine position.
  • Head placed at the western side of the grave, placed upright facing towards the east. Jaw is missing and there are no remaining attached spine.
  • Missing
  • Missing
  • Supine, lying straight. In a poor state of preservation.
  • Same as right leg
  • Very few found. More feet bones may be found during skeletol recovery of samples.
  • A lot of the skeleton is missing, possibly due to degeneration. Remaining skull is in tact however the leg bones are damaged and degraded.
  • Same as.
  • Same as cut.




  • Feature: WIT_922
    • Burial (Sk4709)

Site Photos

  • Photo: WIT_4357
    • Record shot of SK4709. 0.4m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_4358
    • Record shot of SK4709. 0.4m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_204544
    • file_image
    • W looking record shot of SK4709 and SK4711. 1m scale.

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Henry Callender 12-2-2020
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