Contexts at Earth Trust

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  • WIT
  • [4675]
  • Cut
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Short Description:
Cut of posthole.
Issued to
Henry Callender | 07/02/2020


    • Cut of posthole. Thought to be possible cremation however excavation has revealed it is likely just a posthole with a dark, charcoal rich fill. Posthole [4677] is likely contemporary with this posthole, due to the similarities in their dark fill and dimensions. Possible forming part of a fence line?? Unclear purpose.
      • Henry Callender
    • 10-2-2020

Sketch Photo

  • No Files Attached

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Sub-circular
  • N/A
  • Length -0.27m Width - 0.25m Depth - 0.22m
  • Abrupt
  • N/A
  • Steep, 70 - 80 degrees.
  • Moderate slope
  • U-shape, rounded
  • Vertical
  • N/A
  • Plan 191, sec 357, photos 4012, 4013.




  • Feature: WIT_890
    • Posthole

Site Photos

  • Photo: WIT_204012
    • file_image
    • NE looking section of SW. Fac. Sec. posthole [4675], 0.2m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_204013
    • file_image
    • NE looking photo SW. Fac. Sec. posthole [4675], 0.2m scale.


  • Plan: WIT_191
    • Plan of posthole [4675]. 1:20. Sheet 35.
    • Henry Callender
    • 7-2-2020

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Henry Callender 7-2-2020
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