Contexts at Earth Trust

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  • WIT
  • [4646]
  • Cut
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Short Description:
Cut of large pit.
Issued to
Henry Callender | 03/02/2020


    • Cut of large pit, with single dark grey fill, (4647). Steep sides with a flat base similar to nearby pits, however larger and not as deep as surrounding pits. Spreads [4590] and [4644] could be spread from this pit due to similarities in fill, however it is unclear. This pit cuts ditch [4640], and is the latest feature in the series in this slot.
      • Henry Callender
    • 7-2-2020

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Sub-circular
  • N/A
  • Length - 2.22m Width - 2.04m Depth - 0.44m
  • Abrupt
  • N/A
  • Moderately steep, 60 - 70 degrees.
  • Moderately abrupt
  • Flat base.
  • Vertical
  • Truncates [4644], [4640], [4590], [4592].
  • Photos - 3772 - 3795, plan 183, sec 346.




  • Feature: WIT_885
    • Pit

Site Photos

  • Photo: WIT_203784
    • file_image
    • SE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_203787
    • file_image
    • SE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_203789
    • file_image
    • SE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_203789
    • file_image
    • SE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_203792
    • file_image
    • NE looking photo of Nw. Fac. Sec. Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. 1m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_203794
    • file_image
    • SW looking photo Of ditch [4640], and pits [4646], [4644], [4592], [4590]. No scale.

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Henry Callender 3-2-2020
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