Contexts at Earth Trust

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  • WIT
  • 4597
  • Skeleton
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Short Description:
Adult skeleton contained within grave [4596].
Issued to
Mai Walker | 30/01/2020


    • Adult skeleton, contained within grave cut [4596], skeleton has fair preservation, apart from modern truncation by machining. The body has crossed arms and legs, implying that the body was wrapped in a shroud? There was a nail found on the left hand side of the body, may be related to the shroud as a nail pin. Allignment in a E/W position.
      • Mai Walker
    • 30-1-2020

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Extended supine
  • Supine, head has been capped by machine stripping.
  • Crossed over pelvis
  • Crossed over pelvis
  • Extended, crossed at feet
  • Extended, Crossed at feet.
  • Crossed
  • Fairly well preserved, skull has been truncated and capped from machine strip.
  • Fair preservation




  • Feature: WIT_895
    • Burial (Sk.4597)

Site Photos

  • Photo: WIT_203044
    • file_image
    • S looking record shot of SK 4597, grave [4596]. 1,m scale.
  • Photo: WIT_203045
    • file_image
    • S looking record shot of SK 4597, grave [4596]. 1m scale.

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Mai Walker 30-1-2020
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