Short Description:
Fill of burial SK4562
Issued to
Indie Jago | 18/12/2019
- Fill of grave cut for adult burial. Mottled fill, backfilling with same material as removed to make the cut. Adult found with decorated comb, dating to the roman period. Grave in close proximity to roman villa. Fill had large inclusions that looked the same as the stone making up the villa foundations, and tegula was found in the fill, grave potentially cut after the villas ruin.
- Indie Jago
- 20-12-2019
- moderatley firm
- mide greyish brown, mottled with greenish yellow clay
- silty clay
- chalk fragments (from natural) and frequent large angular stones (looked the same as those making up the villa foundations.
- Length - 1.82 Width - 0.60 Thickness - 0.26
- Hand ex in good conditions and light rain
Feature: WIT_458
- Burial (Sk4562) - with comb
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_200824
Photo: WIT_200836
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 18-12-2019
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