Contexts at Earth Trust

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  • (2478)
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Short Description:
Fill of ring gully [2477]. Part of probable roundhouse F320.
Issued to
Indie Jago | 04/02/2021


    • There is a probable roundhouse marked by ring gully F320 which has been excavated at four points [2473], [2475], [2477], [2479]. The ring gully is not seen on the NW side and by [2479] the cut is difficult to see due to rooting. Internally there are four large posthole that are even spaced and centralised within the ring ditch (F324, F327, F328, F329 & F330). One of these appears to have been recut at a later date though it was difficult to see which cut was original (F328 & F329). 3 smaller postholes were also observed within the ring gully that could be related to the round house (F323, F324 & F325). Two linears cut the ring ditch, a N-S running linear F322 and an E-W running linear F321. A third linear (F335) can be seen near the possible entrance of the roundhouse but no relation can be ascertained. A further 4 posthole were excavated just outside the entrance to the roundhouse and they could possibly relate to the roundhouse (F331, F332, F333 & F334) though there are no relationship. A square pit/posthole was also excavated just outside the entrance of the roundhouse though no relationship could be ascertained.
      • Indie Jago
    • 5-2-2021

Sketch Photo

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Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Moderate
  • Mid greyish brown
  • Silty clay
  • Occasional chalk flecks and pieces
  • Length - 2m slot Width - 0.27 Depth - 0.11
  • N side has been interfered with by rooting
  • Hand ex on a sunny afternoon




  • Feature: WIT_320
    • Ring gully part of round house.

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Indie Jago 4-2-2021
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