Contexts at Earth Trust

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Short Description:
Upper fill of pit [2259], F293
Issued to
Ben Swain | 24/03/2020


    • Upper silting fill of pit cut into terminus of a linear
      • Ben Swain
    • 8-2-2021

Sketch Photo

  • No Files Attached

Stratigraphic Matrix

  • Equal To

    No Linked Records


  • Moderately compact
  • Mid grey brown
  • Clayey silt
  • 5-10% inclusions charcoal and chalk flecks. Occasional small to medium sized sub rounded pebbles
  • Length - 1.57m Width - 1.25m Thickness - 0.41m
  • Hand Ex/damp




  • Feature: WIT_293
    • Circular pit

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Ben Swain 24-3-2020
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