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ContextTypeShort DescriptionIssued toIssued onOptions
WIT_1008FillFill of large pit [1007] at north of excavationJosh Hogue11-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1061FillFill of pit [1060] in centre of eastern side of trench Indie Jago18-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1067FillUpper fill of large pit at northeast of excavationJosh Hogue19-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1083FillUpper fill of pit [1082]Nikki Grayson20-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1102FillFill of large pit at northeast of excavationJosh Hogue23-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1137FillFill of Pit [1136]Josh Hogue26-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1140FillLower Fill of Pit [1138]Josh Hogue26-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1150FillFill of pit [1149]Maggie Eno26-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1160FillUpper stoney fill of pit [1059] at N edge of trench Indie Jago27-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1162FillS fill of pit [1059]Indie Jago27-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1001LayerTopsoil/OverburdenJosh Hogue11-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1005FillFill of ditch at north side of excavationChris Casswell11-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1011FillFill of large pit [1007] at north of excavationJosh Hogue12-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1014FillFill of pit [1013] at south edge of trenchIndie Jago12-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1018FillUpper fill of pit [1017] at southwest corner of excavationJosh Hogue15-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1027FillFill of north-south aligned ditch in middle of trenchChris Casswell16-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1037FillUpper fill of pit [1035]Maggie Eno17-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1041FillFill of pit [1072]Chris Casswell17-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1074FillLower fill of ditch [1073]Maggie Eno20-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1090FillUpper fill of storage pit [1087]Johanna Ungemach21-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1091FillLower fill of large pit at northeast of ditch excavationJosh Hogue22-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1095FillFill of large pit at northeast of excavationJosh Hogue22-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1109FillMixed fill of pit [1106] below (1108)Chris Casswell23-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1119FillFill of east-west ditch (1118) F123 at east end of trenchChris Casswell24-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
WIT_1125FillUpper fill of pitJosh Hogue26-10-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
Total Pages:  3Total Results: 65
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