Short Description:
External lean-to wall foundation immediately S of cellar
Issued to
Annie Penso | 03/06/2018
- Wall footing/foundation for lean-to building extension, appended to the southern gable end of structure. Stratigraphic relationship uncertain, but likely to be contemporary with original building. This was not visible on later photographs, so was removed to make way for external cloak and boot room.
- Brendon Wilkins
- 4-6-2018
- Flat-faced limestone, no bonding material.
- Variable - 0.2m - 0.45m
- Undressed stones
- no bonding, irregular coursing
- Foundation coursing for lean-to structure appended to the southern gable end of building
- All internal and external faces visible, comprising a 'u' shape on southern end of building
- Unbonded
- Unlikely that building would have carried very large external structure due to size of the wall foundation.
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: DGD_180587
Photo: DGD_180588
Record Details
- Annie Penso 3-6-2018
- 4-6-2018