Short Description:
Sub Soil deposit east of the cellar structure
Issued to
Bradley Hernandez | 24/05/2018
- Subsoil deposit, banking up against eastern wall of cellar, likely to be post-demolition of the structure as it covered up slumped entrance steps (3021)
- Brendon Wilkins
- 3-6-2018
- Moderately compact
- Dark greyish brown
- silty clay
- 10-20% Angular and Sub Angular
- Length - 7.34m+ Width - 1m+ Depth - 0.40m+
- deposit similar in composition to layers banked up against western cellar wall (3006)
- Excavated with Shovels, Towel, Rake, and Pick Axe used to clear the layer.
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Other (add to description) | 2 | 296 | East- Rep. sample of building material, mortar |
Metal | 12 | 406 | East- metal pulley, washer, handcut nails |
Pot | 7 | 100 | Stoneware and pottery sherds |
Other (add to description) | 4 | 4 | Plastic button and pen fragments |
Other (add to description) | 31 | 595 | Glass, mostly bottle fragments |
Metal | 11 | 939 | Unidentifiable metal scraps |
Metal | 92 | 2830 | Assorted metal fragments, handcut nails |
Other (add to description) | 7 | 17 | Melted plastic, button and plastic pieces |
Pot | 8 | 195 | Ceramic sherds |
Animal Bone | 1 | 45 | animal bone fragment |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 7 | Painted mortar |
Metal | 22 | 907 | Metal can fragments and sheets |
Metal | 21 | 422 | Nails |
Pot | 21 | 2 | ceramic sherd |
Shell | 21 | 8 | shell fragment |
Glass | 21 | 458 | window glass and assorted colors of glass fragments |
Leather | 3 | 37 | Leather Shoe pieces |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: DGD_180046
Photo: DGD_180048
Photo: DGD_180070
Photo: DGD_180071
Photo: DGD_180075
Record Details
- Bradley Hernandez 24-5-2018
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