Short Description:
Sandy rubble dump excavated in SW corner of slot 1
Issued to
Nicola Fuentes | 24/05/2018
- Deposit likely to have accumulated as dump whilst structure was upstanding, potentially dumped through first floor opening (visible on contemporary photograph).
- Marty Brotzge
- 25-5-2018
- surface moderately compact, loose once excavated
- Mid whitish grey
- Sandy ruble
- 25-50% inclusions Angular and Sub-Angular Poorly Sorted
- Length - 5.44m Width - 3.43m Depth - 1m (extended 5.7m from southeast to northwest corner, due to process of accumulation in corner of cellar structure)
- Soil was loosely compacted, but a shovel and mattock was used to break it up. Then a trowel was able to come behind and break up the soil underneath that very easily.
- Method- Mattocks, shovel, trowel, removal of large boulders by tractor Days 1, 3, 4-Sunny Day 2 Rainy
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Pot | 27 | 292 | Slot 1- pot sherds, stoneware |
Metal | 61 | 396 | Slot 1 - metal finds, nails |
Ceramic Building Material | 28 | 46 | Slot 1 -building materials, mortar |
Animal Bone | 5 | 27 | Slot - asstd. animal bone fragments |
Pot | 12 | 88 | Slot 1 - assorted pot sherds, earthenware, whiteware |
Glass | 1 | 36 | Slot 1 - brown glass bottle |
Metal | 239 | 238 | Slot 1 - assorted metal objects |
Glass | 200 | 1485 | Slot 1 - assorted glass sherds |
Glass | 200 | 1761 | Slot 1 - assorted glass sherds |
Glass | 263 | 730 | Slot 1 - assorted glass sherds |
Glass | 180 | 1309 | Slot 1 - assorted glass sherds |
Metal | 59 | 1552 | Slot 1 - assorted metal objects |
Animal Bone | 4 | 22 | Slot 1-animal bone fragments |
Metal | 1 | 459 | Slot 1 -long metal spike |
Other (add to description) | 7 | 13 | Slot 1 - plastic 'shower' cap and assorted plastic finds |
Stone |
| 530 | Slot 1- slate roof tile |
Glass |
| 1644 | Slot 1- assorted glass shards, bottle necks and fragments |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: DGD_180029
Photo: DGD_180032
Photo: DGD_180081
Photo: DGD_180100
Photo: DGD_180101
Record Details
- Nicola Fuentes 24-5-2018
- 24-5-2018