Short Description:
Dark humic layer overlying cellar floor
Issued to
Chris 'Sap' Sapolu | 24/05/2018
- Finds rich, humic deposit, formed in situ through accumulation of midden material and organic debris.
- Brendon Wilkins
- 3-6-2018
Stratigraphic Matrix
Equal To
No Linked Records
- moderately firm
- Dark brownish black
- Moist, semi -muddy, and organic.
- 20-50% Angular and Sub angular
- 5.1 x 3.61 x.1
- Shovels and Trovels to clear the layer. Shovels used to break up the soil layer, and trowel was used to clean around the features. Artifacts recovered: bedspring, preparation bottle, whiskey bottle, and porcelain like fragments. Also various glass fragments: clear, brown, and green colours.
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Metal | 10 | 1058 | Slot 1 -metal bed springs, rake head, thin metal pipe |
Metal | 3 | 109 | Slot 1 - metal spring coils and screw |
Metal | 12 | 1262 | Slot 1 - Representative sample of metal spring coils, beer can lids, metal pipe |
Metal | 18 | 558 | Slot 1 - metal finds, hinge, nails, springs |
Stone | 6 | 696 | Slot 1 - Representative sample of slate roof tiles |
Pot | 6 | 1354 | Slot 1 - sewer pipe fragments |
Pot | 11 | 573 | Slot 1 - Stoneware sewer pipe and pottery sherds |
Animal Bone | 1 | 19 | Slot 1 - Animal bone fragment |
Ceramic Building Material | 20 | 240 | Slot 1 - representative sample of brick |
Ceramic Building Material | 14 | 1393 | Slot 1 - brick fragements |
Other (add to description) | 7 | 546 | Slot 1 - Representative sample of concrete and coal/rock |
Other (add to description) | 5 | 59 | Slot 1 - plastic scrap material |
Metal | 7 | 645 | Slot 2 - beer cans |
Metal | 19 | 338 | Slot 2 - Represenative sample of beer can lids/ends |
Metal | 35 | 809 | Slot 2- Representative sample of Fe nails |
Metal | 10 | 138 | Slot 2 - Representative sample of wire |
Metal | 0 | 2200 | Slot 2 - Bulk Fe Nails |
Metal | 5000 | Slot 2- Bulk beer cans and identifiable metal pieces | |
Metal | 1200 | Slot 2 - Bulk metal wire | |
Glass | 6 | 2310 | Slot 2- Assorted glass bottles, gin, Petri wine bottle |
Glass | 9 | 1798 | Slot 2- Amber and clear glass bottles |
Glass | 35 | 1231 | Slot 2 - Representative sample of glass bottles, necks and bottoms |
Glass | 13 | 1958 | Slot 2- Representative sample of unbroken glass bottles |
Glass | 23900 | Slot 2- Bulk glass material | |
Glass | 3700 | Slot 2- Bulk unbroken glass jars | |
Leather | 9 | 712 | Slot 2- leather shoe and sole fragments |
Leather | 10 | 833 | Slot 2 - leather shoe and sole fragments |
Leather | 23 | 197 | Slot 2 - leather shoe and sole fragments |
Animal Bone | 28 | 421 | Slot 2 - Animal bones, ribs, etc |
Ceramic Building Material | 24 | 3081 | Slot 2- Representative sample of mortar, brick and building material |
Ceramic Building Material | 13 | 7862 | Slot 2- Building material, dressed stone, plaster |
Ceramic Building Material | 9 | 7067 | Slot 2-Representative sample of mortar, brick and building material |
Other (add to description) | 16 | 87 | Slot 2- assorted plastic material, scrap material |
Other (add to description) | 1 | 2 | Slot 1 - plastic felt tip pen |
Other (add to description) | 51 | 309 | Slot 2- Assorted plastic material, dish fragments, lids, caps |
Other (add to description) | 5 | 87 | Slot 2- plastic belts and straps |
Metal | 7 | 12 | Slot 1 - Petri Wine bottle caps |
Glass | 454 | 5700 | Slot 1 - Assorted clear, brown and green glass |
Glass | 15 | 351 | Slot 2 - "special" decorated glass, marbles |
Pot | 109 | 1700 | Slot 2- assorted ceramic sherds |
Pot | 6 | 624 | Slot 2 - earthenware sherds |
Pot | 12 | 441 | Slot 2 - terracotta sherds |
Metal | 25 | 179 | Slot 2 - metal nails and screws |
Metal | 43 | 2400 | Slot 2 - misc iron sherds |
Metal | 2 | 1300 | Slot 2 - Metal keys |
Glass | 91 | 5100 | Slot 2 - bottle bases, necks , glass sherds |
Metal | 2 | 11 | Slot 2- decorative metal |
Metal | 2 | 52 | Slot 2 - metal objects that look like pins |
Other (add to description) | 8 | 1100 | Slot 2 - plastic latex material |
Leather | 23 | 106 | Slot 2 - pieces of leather |
Other (add to description) | 3 | 174 | Slot 2 - Rubber Hose |
Other (add to description) |
| 12 | Slot 3 - assorted plastic pieces |
Animal Bone | 2 | 23 | Slot 3 - animal bone fragment and shell |
Stone | 1 | 656 | Slot 3 - slate roof tile |
Other (add to description) | 4 | 18 | Slot 3- rubber track |
Metal | 42 | 519 | Slot 3 - assorted metal finds, nails, aluminum |
Metal | 1 | 1341 | Slot 3- farm equipment |
Glass | 88 | 971 | Slot 3 - bottle necks and glass sherds |
Pot | 8 | 48 | Slot 3- assorted ceramic sherds |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
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Photo: DGD_188015
- Slot 1 - Brick Fragments
Find: DGD_36
- American nickel 1940
- Metal
Find: DGD_39
- Glass Bottle Pompeian Massage Cream
- Glass
Find: DGD_42
- Dundee Marmalade Jar Fragment
- Ceramic
Find: DGD_43
- Metal Keyhole plate
- Metal
Find: DGD_45
- Small vial with contents
- Glass
Find: DGD_46
- Small Jar, marked "MOT"
- Glass
Find: DGD_47
- Metal from Berkshire Drive in Theater
- Metal
Find: DGD_54
- Slot 2 - ceramic, porcelain bowl
- Ceramic
Find: DGD_56
- Slot 2 - Metal child's toy, car with gears inside
- Metal
Find: DGD_57
- Slot 2 - Container with lid marked "COOKIES"
- Metal
Find: DGD_58
- Slot 2 - Assorted Metal tubes
- Metal
Find: DGD_59
- Slot 2 - Assorted plastic, combs, buttons, childrens toys
- Plastic
Find: DGD_60
- Slot 2 - Child's inflatable toy hat, Leon the Lion
- Plastic
Find: DGD_61
- Slot 2 - Kipper Herring tins, marked "Norway"
- Metal
Find: DGD_62
Find: DGD_63
- Slot 2 - Blue glass jar fragments
- Glass
Find: DGD_64
- Slot 2 -Glass nail polish bottle
- Glass
Find: DGD_65
- Slot 2 -Milk glass costmetic jar marked "woodbury"
- Glass
Find: DGD_66
- Slot 2 - "SAVE AT THE REXALL ONE CENT" token
- Metal
Find: DGD_67
Find: DGD_68
- Slot 2 - Glass plate fragments
- Glass
Find: DGD_69
- Slot 2 - Milkglass plate fragments, Sweetheart design
- Glass
Find: DGD_70
- Slot 2 - Blue ceramic plate fragments
- Ceramic
Find: DGD_71
- Slot 2 - "BOOTH's /Fruit" ceramic plate fragments
- Ceramic
Find: DGD_72
- Slot 2 - Painted glass dish fragments
- Glass
Find: DGD_75
- Slot 2 - glass vials/jars with contents
- Glass
Find: DGD_80
- Slot 3 - Clay pipe fragment
- Ceramic
Record Details
- Chris 'Sap' Sapolu 24-5-2018
- 3-6-2018