Short Description:
Levelling Deposit
Issued to
Sophia Kendall | 04/06/2017
- levelling deposit, construction phase. Likely the result of terracing into the adjacent slope, then levelling out and firming up the natural clays with reused brick material.
- Brendon Wilkins
- 9-6-2017
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Very loose
- Light greyish brown
- Silty sand
- Small pebbles and subangular rocks Occasional rubble fragments
- Length: 1.70m+ Width: 0.40m+ Depth: 0.22m
- Frequent glass shards Lots of nails
- Good conditions
Feature: DGD_201
- Centre Family Wash House
Site Photos
Photo: DGD_178615
Plan: DGD_3
- Slot 1 Plan (1:20)
- Amber Mingus
- 4-6-2017
Record Details
- Not set
- Sophia Kendall 4-6-2017
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