Short Description:
red brick hearth base
Issued to
Catherine Brandon | 31/05/2017
- Fireplace/hearth observed in centre of building, with ash/fire furniture material removed from vicinity supporting interpretation.
- Brendon Wilkins
- 9-6-2017
- Red brick
- L: 230mm W: 100mm D: 40mm
- Hand made bricks
- regular
- Foundation base for internal chimney stack
- 4 faces - North, south, east and west
- Hard whitish mortar
- L: 0.85m W: 0.63m D: 0.45m+
- Mixed conditions, varying from v. Hot and sunny to substantial rain
Feature: DGD_201
- Centre Family Wash House
Site Photos
Photo: DGD_8173
Photo: DGD_8189
Photo: DGD_8190
Photo: DGD_8191
Photo: DGD_8195
Photo: DGD_177938
Photo: DGD_178168
Photo: DGD_178173
Photo: DGD_178178
Plan: DGD_1
- Plan of Slot 2
- Amber Mingus
- 4-6-2017
Record Details
- Not set
- Catherine Brandon 31-5-2017
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