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Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Coldingham Priory


SectionShort DescriptionContextDrawn ByDrawn OnOptions
COL18_1Section of test pit 1 DigVentures1-10-2017view
COL18_2Section of test pit 2 DigVentures1-10-2017view
COL18_3Section of test pit 3 DigVentures1-10-2017view
COL18_4Section of test pit 4 DigVentures1-10-2017view
COL18_5Section of test pit 5 DigVentures1-10-2017view
COL18_6Post ex south facing section of trench 9Ed Caswell30-6-2018view
COL18_9East facing Section drawing of small pit or post holeHarriet Tatton1-7-2018view
COL18_10Post ex section south facing of trench 6Ruth McTighe1-7-2018view
COL18_11Section drawing of post hole E of trench 7Maggie Eno1-7-2018view
COL18_12Section drawing of enclosure ditch in trench 7Margaret Coombe1-7-2018view
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 10
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