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Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Coldingham Priory


ContextTypeShort DescriptionIssued toIssued onOptions
COL18_6001LayerTopsoil DigVentures21-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_7005FillFill of ditch [7007] running e west in trench 7Chris Paul23-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_8001LayerTopsoil DigVentures21-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_9001LayerTopsoil DigVentures21-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_1001LayerTopsoil DigVentures30-9-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_2001LayerTopsoil DigVentures1-10-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_3001LayerTopsoil DigVentures1-10-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_3002LayerFeature fill DigVentures1-10-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_4001LayerTopsoil DigVentures1-10-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_5001LayerTopsoil DigVentures1-10-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_5002LayerSubsoil DigVentures1-10-2017viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_6004CutCut of western trackway ditchHilary Graham22-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_7001LayerTopsoil DigVentures21-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_8002LayerPossible middenJohanna Ungemach 23-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_9002FillDrain fillAlex Ward28-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
COL18_9003LayerLayer of collovium spread across trench 9 below topsoilLindsey Williams29-6-2018viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 16
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