- Trench 1
- Trench 1 was a hand dug test trench with a north-south orientation. It initially measured 2m x 35m, and was later widened above the southern part of the enclosing ring cairn F101. The trench was located across the top of a Bronze Age burial mound, positioned to target a metal detector find spot and associated geophysical anomaly, and intersected with Trench 2 in a cruciform pattern. It was additionally designed to assess a probable modern linear feature to the north of the barrow and to characterise and date the anomaly. Excavation confirmed this to be a Post-Medieval field boundary – with well stratified pottery found in the deposit overlying the bank. Additionally, parts of a Bronze Age ring cairn enclosing the upper contour of the hill, were found in the southern part of the trench. The trench was expanded by 2m x 3m in the southern part of the trench in order to investigate further remains of the ring cairn, identifying a curving return joining up with a similar deposit in the east of Trench 2. The northern part of the cairn has potentially been damaged by later ploughing.
3-D Models
Plan: BLS_1
- Multi-context plan of trench 2 centre
- Brendon Wilkins
- 30-6-2016
Plan: BLS_4
- Multi context plan of trench 1 north
- Nigel Steel
- 17-7-2016
Plan: BLS_6
- Multi context plan of Trench 1 north
- Brendon Wilkins
- 17-7-2016
Plan: BLS_8
- Multi context plan of Trench 2 West - 2 parts
- Nigel Steel
- 17-7-2016
Plan: BLS_9
- Plan of extention in trench 1 south
- Nigel Steel
- 17-7-2016
- No records attached.
- Brendon Wilkins 30-6-2016