Short Description:
Fill of urn
Issued to
Maiya Pina-Dacier | 03/10/2016
- Cremated remains mixed with original surface soil deposited in the urn. Preliminary observations indicate there are at least two individuals - ne being an adult - and possibly more individuals in the urn. They may well represent a family unit or lineage.
- Stuart Noon
- 27-10-2016
- Very firm
- light brownish grey
- Sandy silt
- Very frequent bone (90%)
- Length 0.381m Width 0.420m Depth N/A
- Frequent and densely pack cremated human bone, many large fragment including near complete vertebrae, facial bones, long bones and carpals
- Controlled conditions in a lab
Feature: BLS_302
- Bronze age cremation burial with urn
Record Details
- Maiya Pina-Dacier 3-10-2016
- 22-2-2017